How to Prepare For The GMAT


When you embark on any new adventure you must have a plan of action. Similar to when you took the SAT way back in high school, the GMAT is an assessment of your skills and test taking strategies. Understanding the format of the test while executing a well-organized plan will help you succeed.Consider these tips when preparing for the GMAT:

  1. Take a Diagnostic Test.

Take a diagnostic test to know where you stand in each category.Studies show that students learn best when provided with feedback from their tests. After taking your diagnostic test, take time to look at your strengths and weaknesses. By doing this you can focus on areas that need the most help and improvement. Knowing where you land in the test scores can help you decide your range of target schools.

  1. Create a Study Plan.

Create a study plan to study a little every day, even if it is in short increments.Most GMAT takers are people early in their careers, so they are worried about long hours, pressured deadlines, and getting a promotion. If you are struggling to find study time, studying a little every day, even for short periods of time is better than studying intermittently for chunks of time. Get the habit of investing at least one hour per weekday and four hours per weekend day.

  1. Test and Reflect.

When preparing to take the GMAT, it is important to take timed practice tests. By taking these tests you are able to get used to the timing and the format of the GMAT. Throughout your studying, take one test in the middle of your study plan and about 2 to 3 more practice tests after concluding all studies. The purpose is to practice and be comfortable with the timing component of the test.

  1. Take a Break.

Taking breaks have been proven to enhance attention and focus. Make a point to take a break before the real test. We suggest waiting about 2 to 3 full days without reviewing study materials, so that you are not burned out by the time you take the test. When it is about two days before the test, you can do a light review of the material. Everything from studying for the GMAT, the application process and preparing for your first interview, can be a roller coaster of emotions. Start by using these tips to tackle the GMAT. You have what it takes to move forward in your education and professional career.Need additional advice on your MBA application? We are here to help. From pre-application strategy to post-interview reflection, we help our clients in every step of the application process. Consider signing up for our consulting services here. 


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