Northwestern Kellogg Essay Prompts (2020-2021)


The application portal for Northwestern Kellogg is now open:

- Essay1

Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)

- Essay 2

Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)

- Additional Information Essay

If needed, use this section to briefly describe any extenuating circumstances (e.g. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, etc.).(no word count)

- Video Essay

We've read your essays, we've read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words. The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.


Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare to complete this section:

  • Video Essays are due 48 hours after the application deadline.
  • A video essay link will appear on your application status page after you submit your application and payment (starting in September 2020). Please be advised that it may take several minutes for the application submission and payment to process in our system.
  • You will need an internet-connected computer with a webcam, a microphone and an updated version of Adobe Flash.
  • The video should take about 20-25 minutes to complete, which includes time for setup.


You will be asked three questions. Here are some insights:

  • One question will be an opportunity to introduce yourself to the Kellogg team.
  • The second question will ask about your plans for the future and how Kellogg will help you on that journey.
  • The third question will focus on a challenging moment in your life and what you learned from it.
  • You will have 20 seconds to think about the question and up to one minute to answer.
  • To help you get comfortable with the format and technology, we offer a set of practice questions. We highly encourage you take advantage of these because the official essay questions cannot be re-recorded.

Do you have your sights set on earning your MBA at Kellogg but need assistance? From pre-application strategy to post-interview reflection, Ivy Advisors helps applicants in every step of the admissions process. Visit our website to learn more about how we work and allow us the opportunity to help with your MBA journey.


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