6 Strategies to Kick Start Your MBA Application


As we all know, in order to be accepted into an MBA program, you must have a competitive edge. Preparing and applying early can offer a candidate a range of benefits. The best way to prepare is to start early. Round one deadlines are right around the corner and there is a lot you can do right now to improve your candidacy.Here is a list of steps to help you prepare for the 2017 MBA application process:

  1. Study and Take the GMATThis may be an obvious step, but many people wait until the end of summer to take the GMAT without leaving enough time to evaluate their scores. Start studying for the GMAT now, and then plan to take your test in late spring. If your test score is not competitive enough, you will still have enough time to retake the test.
  2. Research MBA ProgramsResearching the school’s MBA program and culture can help you make up your mind about the programs you want to target. Now is the time to explore all of your options. Take time to write out your program needs, research the school, and develop a list of schools you want to apply to.
  3. Take Leadership Opportunities Take advantage of this time to participate is more leadership driven activities at work or outside of work. This will help you create a well-rounded profile and develop your personal story for your admission essays.
  4. ResumeNow is the time to complete or update your resume as best as you can. Do not worry if it is not 100% complete yet. You can adjust and add to it as you go. Getting a head start on your resume will help you easily piece together all elements of your MBA application.
  5. Recommendation LettersRecommendation letters are an essential part of evaluating an applicant. They’re the voice of someone else endorsing the candidate. If you haven’t thought about this already, make a list of individuals who you could reach out to for a recommendation letter.
  6. Attainable GoalsTo ensure that you successfully get into your MBA program of choice, it is best to create a pre-application strategy by setting attainable goals. Whether it is studying two hours per day for the GMAT, outlining people to ask for recommendation letters, or networking with past graduate program applicants, be sure to strive to meet your goals.

It is never too early to start preparing for your MBA application. If your goal is to attend an MBA program in Fall 2017, now is the time to take action. Each day take small steps toward accomplishing this goal. With adequate preparation, you will have no problem landing the MBA program of your choice.


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