A Guide to Writing a Genuine HBS Post-Interview Reflection


Within 24 hours of your Harvard Business School (HBS) interview, candidates are required to submit a written reflection about their interview experience through Harvard’s online application system. The reflection is not a formal essay, but more like an email.The free format may be refreshing to some, whereas others may worry at the thought of having an unrestrained open space to reflect.Take Notes Post Your InterviewImmediately after your interview you want to jot down key takeaways from your experience. Recall the questions you were asked, comment on the main themes that guided your interview and include anything specific that made your interview unique to your experience.Many people come out of their interviews with adrenaline and nerves rushing through their veins. Do not immediately write your reflection after your interview because you need to give yourself enough time to… reflect. Do Not Write Prior to Your Interview It is called a reflection for a reason and you are required to give thought to your experience at hand. You may have a predisposed idea of the questions you will be asked, and a general concept of your interview. Though, there are a lot of unknowns that could change your whole perception. HBS also frowns upon reflections that seem to have been written before the interview. Therefore it is best to keep this post-reflection guide in mind as you gear up for your HBS interview.Be honestWhat went well? What could have gone better? Was there any pivotal point that really made or break your interview? Did the HBS really get to know you through the interview?Be honest about what went well and reference any specific topics of discussion that you enjoyed. You may also want to clarify conversation points that got lost in translation or you would like to strengthen.Give the reflection a logical sequence or framework, so that the reader can easily follow your thoughts.Keep it Simple Although there is no word limit, we do not recommend taking this opportunity to rewrite one of your essays in a reflection style manner. HBS has said that the post-interview reflection should mock the format of an email; similar to one you would send after a business meeting.Break up your reflection by using multiple short paragraphs with simple, yet clear sentences. Lastly, make sure you proofread your work. Many believe that HBS will be lenient with typos since this is an informal review. Just like any stage of an interview, you are being judged on everything from start to finish, so it is best to finish strong with an error-free reflection.


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