MBA Admissions: The Pros and Cons of Applying in Round 3 vs. Round 1 Next Year


The question on every MBA applicant’s mind: is it better to apply Round 3 or to wait until Round 1 of next year? In short, it all depends on your application, goals and candidacy. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of both options to help you decide which application cycle is best for you, and will increase your chances of getting in.Reasons to Apply in Round 3:

  1. You applied in round 1, but were rejected at all of your schools. Now, you want to apply to less competitive programs.
  2. You are qualified, have strong professional experience, and are a viable non-traditional candidate.
  3. You are ready now to apply and be accepted into the program – you can’t validate waiting another year to begin the process again. Admissions officers do indeed hold spots for students that apply late and will still make a strong contribution to the program.
  4. Some programs might provide feedback to rejected candidates. This feedback could improve your application for next year. We do not recommend to apply so that you receive feedback, similar feedback can be provided by an Admissions consultant. But, the upside to applying in round 3 is that it could be an educational experience, even if it were unsuccessful.
  5. You have nothing to lose, besides your application fee. Whereas, you could gain the opportunity to take the next step in your future as a professional!

Reasons to Postpone Your Application and Apply in Round 1:

  1. By applying early the odds are on your side. Round 3 applicants are accepted at lower rates than applicants from earlier rounds.
  2. If you don’t have a stellar GMAT score you should plan to retake the exam and wait to submit a higher score with your application.
  3. You don’t have strong or existent recommendations. It would be better to wait until you can secure the recommendations that will add to your application, not take away from it.
  4. You would like to get more work experience to strengthen your MBA application.
  5. You’re unsure whether or not you want an MBA, or you need more time learning about the different programs and deciding which is the best fit for you and your future.

As you can see, the round you choose to apply for your MBA is a very personal decision. Applying in round 3 isn’t too late in the game and for some can be a realistic option. If you are a qualified, competitive applicant, the third round may be a perfect option for you. Otherwise, if you could benefit from an extra year of work experience, need to boost your GMAT score, or are seeking to secure stronger recommendations, then we suggest waiting until round 1 of next year to apply. If you are curious on whether you should apply to an MBA program in round or round two, see this article.


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